How to Protect Children From Injuries?

Children's voices about the steps parents, carer and the general public can take to reduce the risk of injury to children.

Parents, carers, and the general public can take steps to reduce the risk of injury to children.  For this, it is very important to consider building child-friendly safe houses, playgrounds and roads.  Discussing the burden on family and society due to injuries to children, and the importance of preventing them, can help reduce the cost of medical treatment for the injured and help directly promote child health.

Infants under one year of age

Although we are very small, but:
We are constantly growing.
We need your care so that we don't get hurt by mistake.
We often sleep, eat and cry, but you also need to know how to keep us safe.
We haven't learned much about lying down, lying down, and sitting down, so you have to think about our safety.
We are at risk of injury outside the home, but there are also many dangers inside the home.
Many babies like us are injured or even killed every year due to injuries.
You suffer for us, but in case of any calamity, we cannot take care of ourselves.
Save us from accidents even during festivals
Because we are so small, if we fight, we can be badly injured.
We can't move left or right, so carry us around.
But as we grow we use our hands and feet so we can bend.
When you grab me and walk away, you can fight by chipping or getting stuck in something.  I may get hurt along with you.
Follow your footsteps.  Just grab me and come down the ladder, just grab the bar and go down.
If you don't take care of me by putting oil on my bed, I can fall down from the bed.
Protect us from pollen
Accidentally, if there is a fire in the house, it can burn me.  I can suffocate or even die from the smoke.
Make sure our house does not catch fire.
My skin burns quickly because it is thin and thin.
I also like to take a hot bath in winter.  But, just check how hot the water is and give me a bath.
Don't smoke indoors or in the bedroom or where I sleep.  That can lead to fire.
Cigarette smoke is also a major health hazard.
Don't put me to sleep in a fire or cooking place.  I find it difficult to breathe because of the smoke.
Remember, I don't know if anything is hot.  So make sure I don't have any problems.
Protect us from suffocation.
My lungs are very small and my respiratory system is weak so I can breathe easily.
Save me from these situations;
From the smoke inside the house, from the smoke of the bindi / cigarette, from the covering of the nose and mouth by the wearer, from the smoke coming out of the muck, from the colt while sleeping, from the chapin while sleeping.
Also protect us from drowning.
If an open container around me is full of water, you should always keep it covered.
Many children like me have drowned in such vessels.
Now we move to the left and just start walking
Prevent me from approaching the stove while cooking.
When I move my hand, it can burn me and you.
Even though I'm still young, I like to talk and discover new things.
Remember, doing so can lead to a major accident.
Moving left, I can reach the turn outside.  Be aware, there may be snakes, scorpions too.
When you put me on the table, the table, the bed, make me aware that I can stand and fight.
Don't leave me alone near a ladder or on a high place.
I can fight from there by climbing or climbing.  I might be badly injured.
Don't leave me alone if there is no barrier on the roof.  Put a bar on it as soon as possible.
If I see hot tea, hot water or hot food on the floor or wherever I go, I want to touch it.
If I see a fire burning on the floor or where I reach for cooking or heating, I like to go there and touch it.
Fire can burn me
The hot thing burns my skin easily.  So you take care of it.
Also pay special attention to protect my pale skin from scratching my own or your nails.

From one year to five years

How happy you are when I am one year old.  But even though I'm a little older, I can't take care of myself and recognize the danger.
I am still in danger of being injured by many things inside or around the house.
When I see something new, big or small, I like to play with it.
Don't let me play alone.
I put anything in my mouth that I can hold in my hand.  Putting whatever you get in your mouth in this way can cause sore throat, poisoning, or other stomach ailments.
Remove the coins, nuts, and small toys around me and give them to me only when I need them.
While bathing, I can slip and walk a lot and get hit badly on the ground.  Make my shower safe.
Take care of my sleeping area too.  If you put something on the board, mice and cats can hurt me.

Look, I'm growing up!
Now I want to reach the top and see from there.
So I climb out of the window and look outside with the help of a pirka, doko or bhandakunda.
I also like to climb trees.  When I play alone or with a friend in a tree, I may get injured and break my bones.
I like to find and hold something on a table or high place.  I don't know that doing so can be very dangerous.


If you leave me alone, I will follow you to the place where I worked.  I can get hurt even if I live alone at home.  I really need your care.
If I find medicine for you or your grandparents, I will eat it.  If I take such medicine, it can have a toxic effect on me.
If I find some pesticide, chemical or chemical substance in the bottle on the floor of the house, I will eat it.  It can also have a very bad effect on me.
Now I can learn some of the safety tips you taught me.  So start teaching me safety by loving me.  But it still takes me a while to fully understand what I have learned.  So get rid of him by looking for dangers around me and outside the house.

School age children

I prefer to play outdoors than indoors at this age.
On the way to school, I get hurt on the way.
Sending me to school alone increases my risk of injury.
When I return from school, check to see if there are any injuries on my body.  I may have hidden the fact that I was hurt.
In doing so, ask the cause of my injury and try to resolve it from now on so that it does not happen to me or others.
Am I doing the following dangerous work alone or with a friend?  Let's consider
Fishing, swimming
Riding a big bicycle
Climb the window, walk on the roof of the house
Playing slingshots, climbing fences, playing with sharp weapons,
Climb a tree, hang behind a moving bus
Playing with fire,
Run down a slope, play around or near a ditch
Walk alone in the dark or in the woods
Playing with broken toys or other unsafe toys

Children up to ten years of age

When we children reach the age of 10, our body undergoes physical changes in such a way that it is clear that there are boys and girls in our body.  We ourselves know the difference between a boy and a girl at the same time.  We make friends at this age.
After reaching the age of 10 in Nepal, the responsibility of helping children like us with household chores is also added.  For example, taking care of siblings, working in the kitchen, cowshed and farm, making firewood, etc.  Doing so can cause us serious injuries.
In terms of child rights, we should not do risky work at this age.
We have to go to a distant school, cycle on a dirt road.
We also show risky behavior when traveling by bus.
Some children our age have been injured, maimed, or even killed in high-risk activities.
Some women and girls get burnt, ugly, injured, disabled or even die due to fire in the cooking place.
According to a study, about 1,700 adolescents aged 10-19 die from injuries in Nepal every year, and an estimated 300,000 are injured.

Adolescent boys

During adolescence we do the following activities;
Pay attention to your body shape and face
Be easily emotional
Making close friends
Boy to girl and girl to boy
Enjoy going out
Sometimes not coming home on time,
To imagine different kinds
Trying to resolve curiosity
Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to painting a picture about ourselves
We perform risky behaviors.
There is a tendency to imitate others.
This makes us extremely vulnerable to injury.
In the same way, at this age we also show quarrels, addictions and violent behavior.
But we can also do good things in groups.  We can also help prevent injuries.
Basic things parents need to do to prevent injury problems:
Detect and remove hazardous or hazardous objects around the house.
Take good care of the baby.
Put a barrier to prevent the child from going to dangerous places.
Prevent the child from coming to the stove.
Everyone in the family and community should be safe and also teach the children.
By being careful in small things, big problems can be avoided.


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