Dear Students

Dear Students

  Last month or two, when we educators got a chance to interact with students in-person after about 10 months, we could gauge the damage in students that have taken place during this long lockdown. While it doesn’t apply to many, but generically some form of domestic violence, excessive use of gadgets, too few face to face social interactions and few physical engagements were reflected in students’ behaviors. We were only beginning to strengthen the social-emotional health aspects, but do-not-go-out (-to-school) period has begun again.

What can students do to make this period positively a life-changer?

1. Presumably, there will be less amount of daily direct teaching-learning hours offered by the school suring virtual education. This always gives an opportunity as I as a student have more time for what I would prefer to do in terms of learning and growth. Any skill such as playing the guitar to learn, art to practice, Maths to learn, books to read... can be done with a disciplined routine. 
Just like junk food, social media or screen games are mostly junk and addictive, which are a big waste of time.
2. At home, unhealthy peace is more dangerous than healthy arguments. Parents could be role models in having conversations about feelings and experiences rather than just studies and homework alone. Students could really initiate having conversation with parents.

3. Whole family could engage in physical exercises at home such as do yoga, play or go for a walk. If bored, some creative activities and old time games such as BaaghChaal, Gatti, Hopscotch, DandiBiyo, Kabbadi etc can be played.

4. Some form of mediation helps in being aware of self emotions. The check-in question, How am I feeling now and how are people around me feeling... helps.

5. Act of service and quality time at home are big boosters of social-emotional health. Cooking breakfast together or for each other, sharing childhood memories or things that are funny... does great.

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