Education First - Education & Humanity
Main Summary of the Text
Exercise of Education & Humanity
Word Classes
A. Word class refers to the category of words of similar form or function. Another name of word class is a part of speech. In the text below, certain words are underlined. While you read, try to identify which word class they belong to.
Most governments around the world have temporarily closed educational institutions in an attempt to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. These nationwide closures are impacting over 60% of the world’s student population. Some 1 billion students and youth across the planet are affected by school and university closures due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Several other countries have implemented localized closures impacting millions of additional learners. UNESCO is supporting countries in their efforts to mitigate the immediate impact of school closures, particularly for more vulnerable and disadvantaged communities, and to facilitate the continuity of education for all through remote learning.
The Global Education Coalition launched by UNESCO seeks to facilitate inclusive learning opportunities for children and youth during this period of sudden and unprecedented educational disruption. Investment in remote learning should both mitigate the immediate disruption caused by COVID-19 and establish approaches to develop more open and flexible education systems for the future. The Global Coalition members and prospective members are encouraged to pledge for the protection of learners’ personal information, privacy and security.
In the text, the underlined words belong to different word classes or parts of speech.
temporarily - adverb
affected - verb
and - conjunction
in - preposition
immediate - adjective
the - determiner
a. The man who is wearing glasses is my uncle’s friend.
b. I bought a round table in the supermarket.
c. Alas, she is dead.
d. Hari works very hard all the time but his wife is very lazy.
e. I have never been to Japan.
a. who- connective, wearing- verb, my-determiner
b. round- adjective, the-determiner
c. Alas- interjection, is-verb
d. hard- adverb, but- connective, wife- noun
e. never- adverb, to- preposition
temporarily - adverb
affected - verb
and - conjunction
in - preposition
immediate - adjective
the - determiner
a. The man who is wearing glasses is my uncle’s friend.
b. I bought a round table in the supermarket.
c. Alas, she is dead.
d. Hari works very hard all the time but his wife is very lazy.
e. I have never been to Japan.
a. who- connective, wearing- verb, my-determiner
b. round- adjective, the-determiner
c. Alas- interjection, is-verb
d. hard- adverb, but- connective, wife- noun
e. never- adverb, to- preposition
Reading Comprehension
Answer the following questions:
(a) Why did the speaker receive thousands of goods-wishes carat and gifts from all over the world?
Answer: Speaker, Malala Yousafzai was a small child. Despite her age, she played a remarkable role in the battement of children deprived of education and their fundamental rights. Taliban did not like Malala’s work and shot with a gun on the left side of her forehead; she was hospitalized for her treatment and recovered. For encouraging her, people sent thousands of good wishes cards and gifts from all over the world.
(b) According to the speaker, what are hundreds of human rights activists and social workers struggling for?
Answer: According to the speaker, hundreds of human rights activists and social workers are struggling for ascertaining the fundamental rights of all the people. These rights are education, peace and equality.
(c) What has she learnt from Gandhi?
Answer: She has learnt to be non-violent and compassionate from Gandhi.
(d) In what sense is peace necessary for education?
Answer: Peaceful environment is the basic requirement for better education. Wars and conflicts create a fearful environment and avoids students from going to school. In this sense, peace is necessary for education.
(e) According to the speaker, what are the main problems faced by both men and women?
Answer: According to the speaker, poverty, ignorance, injustice, racism and deprivation of rights are the main problems faced by both men and women.
(f) What is Malala calling upon all government?
Answer: Malala is calling upon all governments to ensure free education to all children to fight against terrorism and violence, and to protect children from brutality and harm.
(g) What is the main message of this speech?
Answer: The main message of this speech is that education is the only endeavour (attempt) to reduce the problems of illiteracy, terrorism, violence and harassment. One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the world. In another word, education is the only solution to the above-mentioned problems. So, education should be free to all.
Critical Thinking
(a) All children have the right to quality education. How can we ensure this is right for every child? Discuss the role of the government and the parents to make sure that every child can attend school.All the children have the right to quality education. Not a single child should be held back due to poverty, racism, religious background or any other social or mental discrimination. The government should make free education for every child up to the intermediate level (10+2 or senior secondary level).
The government should compel every parent to educate their children. The government can ensure these rights for every child. If poor parents cannot fulfilment of education for their children, the government should make free facilities of hostel, food and everything needed for education. Parents should educate their children at a minimum to intermediate level. Then children should go for higher education or any vocational education to earn their livelihood. Parents should know the capability of their child or children and should select subjects and faculty according to children’s ability.
(b) Do you think that there is still discrimination between sons and daughters in terms of providing education in our country? What strategies do you suggest to overcome such discrimination against girls?
Yes, there is still discrimination between sons and daughters’ education in developing and under-developing countries especially is poor families. In orthodox customs and traditions, the girls have limited rights. The parents think the daughter is for home chores. She should know about cooking the food, cleaning the home, helping to mother and so on. I suggest overcoming discrimination against girls education in the following:
(i) The government should insist on the parents for girls’ education.
(ii) If a girl’s parents are poor, the government should take all the responsibility of girls’ education.
(iii) Each financial able person should take responsibility at least one girl’s education.
(iv) After completing an intermediate level, the government should help to educate girls for job placement.
(v) Above mentioned suggestion will encourage girls’ education.
(c) A Chinese philosopher Confucius said, “If your plan is for one year, plant rice; if your plan is for ten years, plant trees; if your plan is for one hundred years, educate children.” What is the meaning of this saying? Elaborate this with examples.
Chinese philosopher Confucius is known as the most influential human. His teachings are still applicable and inspiring. The given example is one of the best of his teachings about the importance of education. He tells us if we want to live for one year, we should arrange the food materials; it is a short-term investment. If we want to live for ten years, we should arrange long-term investment. If we want to live a century, we must educate our children; it needs a very long-term investment. In this way, humankind will bloom and prosper. Our knowledge, good customs and traditions will spread. Proper education will help to be kind to other human beings and creatures. After being educated, our children will educate their children and so on.