Proposition for English Grammar Practice

This set has five section for English grammar practice for preposition each set contains 40 questions to choose appropriate preposition.

What are Prepositions?

Prepositions are a class of words that indicate relationships between nouns, pronouns and other words in a sentence. Most often they come before a noun. They never change their form, regardless of the case, gender etc. of the word they are referring to.

Some common prepositions are:




















































Prepositions typically come before a noun:

For example:

  • after class

  • at home

  • before Tuesday

  • in London

  • on fire

  • with pleasure

A preposition usually indicates the temporal, spatial or logical relationship of its object to the rest of the sentence.

For example:

  • The book is on the table.

  • The book is beside the table.

  • She read the book during class.

In each of the preceding sentences, a preposition locates the noun "book" in space or in time.

Prepositions are classified as simple or compound.

Simple Prepositions

Simple prepositions are single-word prepositions. These are all shown above.

For example:

  • The book is on the table.

Compound Prepositions

Compound prepositions are more than one word. in between and because of are prepositions made up of two words - in front of, on behalf of are prepositions made up of three words.

For example:

  • The book is in between War and Peace and The Lord of the Rings.

  • The book is in front of the clock.


  • The children climbed the mountain without fear.

  • There was rejoicing throughout the land when the government was defeated.

  • The spider crawled slowly along the bannister.

The following table contains rules for some of the most frequently used prepositions in English:

Prepositions of Time:





days of the week

on Monday


months / seasons

time of day


after a certain period of time (when?)

in August / in winter

in the morning

in 2006

in an hour


for night

for weekend

a certain point of time(when?)

at night

at the weekend

at half past nine


from a certain point of time (past till now)

since 1980


over a certain period of time (past till now)

for 2 years


a certain time in the past

2 years ago


earlier than a certain point of time

before 2004


telling the time

ten to six (5:50)


telling the time

ten past six (6:10)

to / till / until

marking the beginning and end of a period of time

from Monday to/till Friday

till / until

in the sense of how long something is going to last

He is on holiday until Friday.


in the sense of at the latest

up to a certain time

I will be back by 6 o’clock.

By 11 o'clock, I had read five pages.

Prepositions of Place:





room, building, street, town, country

book, paper etc.

car, taxi

picture, world

in the kitchen, in London

in the book

in the car, in a taxi

in the picture, in the world


meaning next to, by an object

for table

for events

place where you are to do something typical (watch a film, study, work)

at the door, at the station

at the table

at a concert, at the party

at the cinema, at school, at work



for a place with a river

being on a surface

for a certain side (left, right)

for a floor in a house

for public transport

for television, radio

the picture on the wall

London lies on the Thames.

on the table

on the left

on the first floor

on the bus, on a plane

on TV, on the radio

by, next to, beside

left or right of somebody or something

Jane is standing by / next to / beside the car.


on the ground, lower than (or covered by) something else

the bag is under the table


lower than something else but above ground

the fish are below the surface


covered by something else

meaning more than

getting to the other side (also across)

overcoming an obstacle

put a jacket over your shirt

over 16 years of age

walk over the bridge

climb over the wall


higher than something else, but not directly over it

a path above the lake


getting to the other side (also over)

getting to the other side

walk across the bridge

swim across the lake


something with limits on top, bottom and the sides

drive through the tunnel


movement to person or building

movement to a place or country

for bed

go to the cinema

go to London / Ireland

go to bed


enter a room / a building

go into the kitchen / the house


movement in the direction of something (but not directly to it)

go 5 steps towards the house


movement to the top of something

jump onto the table


in the sense of where from

a flower from the garden

English Grammar Practise: Prepositions

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions given in brackets. 

1. __________ March 1953, Russia invaded Turkey. (On/In/Since) 

2. A pen is different _______ a pencil. (than/from/and)  

3. Can you point the arrow_______ (to/at/on) the bird? 

4. Abishek lives about two miles_______ (away from/at/in) the town. 

5. Could you please take _____your shoes before you enter? (of/off/out) 

6. Cut the cucumber _______three pieces. (in/to/into) 

7. Abiral got married _______an Indian girl. (by/with/to) 

8. A picture of two babies is hanging __________ the wall. (in/on/over) 

9. Aren’t you tired _______dancing so much? (in/of/by) 

10. Please describe about London_______ me. (for/to/with) 

11. Can you throw the pen_______ (on/at/to) me? 

12. Congratulations_______ your grand success! (for/on/at) 

13. Did you pay by cheque or __________cash? (by/with/in) 

14. Do you believe __________ ghosts? (on/in/at) 

15. A sword was hanging _______my head. (over/above/on) 

16. Do you have a house in Kathmandu to live_______ (in/on/for)? 

17. Do you have any taste_______ music? (of/ at/ in/ for) 

 18. Add some names of students_______ (in/on/to) the list. 

19. Aman was accused _______theft. (by/ of/ to/ in) 

20. The tiger jumped ________the trap.(into/onto/on) 

21. Don’t blame me_______ the accident. (for/on/at) 

22. Don’t go out_______ (to/in/under) the rain. Please wait for a while. 

23. A wise man never relies __________ others. (in/on/to) 

24. Don’t laugh_______ (of/at/in) the poor. 

25. Don’t worry, nothing happens_______ you. (on/in/at/to) 

26. Alina was born ___________2060 B.S. (in/ on/ by) 

27. Go_______ the bus stand and look around. (in/ after/ towards) 

28. Alan is true _______ his name. (to/ for/ with) 

29. Binod died _______fever. (in/ for/ of/ for) 

30. Bibek always quarrels_______ (with/ by/ for) his wife. 

31. Biplob apologized_______ (to/on/for) me for being late. 

32. Anisha goes to school daily. But, she doesn’t go there_____ (in/on/at) Saturday. 

33. Babin is accused_______ (at/in/of) theft. 

34. Have you ever been __________ the capital city of Nepal?(in/to/at) 

35. Bhubendra pointed the finger _____me. (in/at/to/towards) 

36. Shristi is ___________ (at/in/by) the sari today. 

37. Sunila is a girl __________ eighteen years. (of/in/on) 

38. Binaya is cutting mangoes ____________ (by/in/with) his knife.

39. Ganesh can’t do anything. Please look ______him. (for/to/after) 

40. Bishow fell _______ the ladder and broke his arm.(out/up/off) 

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions given in brackets. 

1. Denish goes to market_______ (on/by/in) a horse. 

2. Kamal got married_______ the age 20. (at/on/in) 

3. He got_______ (in/by/into) the car and drove away. 

4. Dip has a B.E. Degree____Pulchowk Engineering College. (by/from/to/of)

5. Kamala came here _______foot. (by/ to/ on/ with) 

6. I could not understand it. Please explain it_______ me. (for/to/with) 

7. The freeway goes ______ through the city.(right/along/across) 

8. Laxmi spends a lot of money___________ cosmetics. (on/in/at) 

9. She went to Allahabad___________ (by/from/on) train. 

10. The teachers are always kind _______us.(to/for/at) 

11. Mukta was born___________ (on/at/in) January. 

12. My father lives in Budhathum__________ (to/by/with/of) my mother. 

13. Nisha has a dream _______being a rich person. (on/of/in) 

14. Pramod has been living here___ last week. (since/ by/ before/ after 

15. I have been searching_______ a job. (for/to/of) 

16. Prashant has been _______school for ten years. (in/ to/ at)  

17. Prashna has been learning Korean language _____2012. (since/for/from) 

18. Osan is excited_______ (for/about/with) going abroad. 

19. Preeti is fond __________ music. (of/off/with/on) 

20. Upendra is free _______ anxieties. (with/ from/ of)  

21. Rupak is good_______ (in/for/at) football. 

22. Roshan prevented him___________ (for/to/from) speaking. 

23. I sometimes dream ___________you. (about/of/on) 

24. The child reminds me ___________my school life. (of/about/on) 

25. Purnima tied the string_______ my waist. (from/to/round/ into) 

26. Sanam travels_______ (on/by/in) air. 

27. There’s a wooden floor ______ the carpet. (underneath/above/over) 

28. Lalu was killed by a lunatic__________ a dagger. (with/from/by) 

29. Saroj writes_______ (with/by/for) a pencil. 

30. Yam is famous __________ his dancing skills. (in/for/to) 

31. Here is the pen that you were looking_______ (to/ at/ for/ in). 

32. The bridge___________ the Nile River is very nice. (up/over/above) 

33. The students are supplied ____________ good stationeries. (in/with/of) 

34. Herman is eager __________ learn English. (on/to/by) 

35. Showrup always meets her __________ the way to work. (in/on/at/to) 

36. Shahanshil is poor__________ mathematics. (on/in/at) 

37. Sabita is not annoyed_______ (at/for/with) her behaviour. 

38. Suraj is not interested _______Nepali films. (on/in/at) 

39. The driver is not responsible _______ (with/for/to) the accident. 

40. The fan is hanging __________ (on/under/below) the ceiling. 

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions given in brackets. 

1. Surakshya reminded me ____________ my village. (of/about/on) 

2. The firemen are going to put_______ (of/off/out/up) the fire. 

3. Supriya reminds the Manager__________ the meeting. (of/about/on) 

4. The street is crowded___________ the tourists. (by/with/of) 

5. I was shocked____________ what I saw. (at/by/with/of) 

6. Listen___________ your teacher well. (with/to/for) 

7. Smarika got married___________ (to/with/for) an American lad. 

8. Mira met him ___________(in/to/on/at) the airport. 

9. She always quarrels ___________ (by/with/over/between) her husband. 

10. Sujan has specialized ____________ conflict theory. (in/to/into) 

11. Aastha passed___________ (away/on/by) in childhood. 

12. Manoj came here___________ the occasion of Vijaya Dashami. (in/on/at) 

13. My pen was broken___________ three pieces. (in/to/into) 

14. My school starts ___________ (at /in/to/on) 10 in the morning. 

15. The truck crashed___________ the wall. (in/to/into) 

16. Anudit is looking ___________ a good house. (for/to/of) 

17. They are small children. Please take care _____them. (of/ about/on) 

18. They suspected him___________ stealing money. (on/of/off) 

19. Aayush is living ______ my house. (in/ on/ at/ by) 

20. Lina is looking forward _____meeting ________ you soon. (to/with/for) 

21. Mohan is standing_______ the wall. (in/at/towards/against) 

22. The house belongs ________ my uncle.(by/for/to)  

23. Anisha has gone to India. She is _______ business. (in/ on/ at)  

24. I am pleased_______ (with/for/in) her performance. 

25. I am writing an essay ________ “Discipline in the Society”.(in/on/to)

26. I apologize to them _______my mistake. (for/on/at) 

27. Anup bought this shirt _______Rs. 400. (in/at/for) 

28. I have heard___the accident which happened last week. (of/about/on) 

29. Ashish has opened a school __________ the poor students. (to/for/by) 

30. The bathroom is_______ the kitchen.(opposite/against/by) 

31. The jury had a lot of doubts _______ the evidence.(about/on/for) 

32. Can we go___________ (on/in/into) your taxi? 

33. Arbin is fed up___________ the same food. (by/with/of) 

34. I’ve lived in the village for twenty years. I am tired_______(by/of/in) living here. 

35. It has been raining___________ last week. (from/since/for) 

36. It’s my compliment ___________your had work. (in/on/for) 

37. The high-definition television fell______ the dirty street.(onto/into/to) 

38. My soccer team played well____ the championship tournament.(during/at/on/in) 

39. Sandwiched______ the canned goods and the milk, the bread was smashed. (between/among/with) 

40. Keep on writing letters______me. (with/to/for)

D. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.

1. Students are abided___________ rules. (to/with/by) 

2. A girl went_____ them_____ a bike.(by/past/in/on) 

3. You can count _____ me if you need help. (on/in/into) 

4. Are you hooked ____ any television series? (on/in/into) 

5. We are not fascinated ___________Nepali films. (to/in/at) 

6. They want to apologize to them__________ their mistake. (for/on/at) 

7. Bibek bought this shirt________ a supermarket. (in/at/to) 

8. Denga has been searching___________ job. (for/to/of) 

9. This exercise is beneficial___________ your health. (in/to/for) 

10. Bishal hasn’t read ___________the conflict in Italy. (of/about/on) 

11. They will arrive here ____________ the 5th of July. (at/in/on) 

12. Try to phone me___________ lunchtime. (in/on/at) 

13. Durgesh didn’t go___________ holiday last year. (on/in/for) 

14. Eroj’s sister is fond___________ (at/of/off) watching T.V. 

15. Nawaraj Sir always goes to school _________ (in/by/on) bus. 

16. Nepalese people are famous___________ their bravery. (on/for/about) 

17. My room is attached ________ (of/on/to/from) his room. 

18. Hichan is ____________ (at/in/by) the door now. 

19. Please concentrate__________ your job. (in/on/at) 

20. Please remind me ________ today’s schedule. (of/about/on) 

21. Kabindra will have posted the letter___________ tomorrow. (by/on/at) 

22. Tej will have finished it _________ (for/at/from/by) next day. 

23. Rita spread the cloth___________ (on/at/of/over) the table. 

24. Raj was blamed __________ the damage. (to/for/with) 

25. The boy put a sweet _____________ (in/into/out of/from) his pocket.  

26. Lakesh does not rely___________ the others. (for/on/at) 

27. We saw an old man___________ red beard lying on the road. (with/in/on) 

28. Manish talked a lot ___________ the politics today. (of/about/on) 

29. What is wrong___________ (by/in/for/with) you? 

30. Why are you silent? Speak___________ me. (with/to/for) 

31. Wisdom is regarded as the gift___________ (from/of/by) heaven. 

32. Mandil is dancing ___________the concert. (in/on/at) 

33. Lokendra is responsible___________ these problems. (on/for/about) 

34. You can apply___________ the post. (for/to/at) 

35. You can succeed___________ journalism field. (on/in/the) 

36. You’ll find our house __________the end of the next street. (by/at/in) 

37. Why do people believe___________ God?(on/in/the) 

38. The book fell _______ the floor. (onto/into/to) 

39. The soccer player leaped ____ the ball. (onto/into/to) 

40. Are you complaining _______ me? (for/to/against)

E. Complete the given passage with the correct prepositions. 

Show jumping is an Olympic sport ______ which both men and women can participate and  compete. As soon as the contestants ride ______ the ring, you can’t help but be impressed  by the clothes they are dressed ______. ______their head they wear a neat black riding hat  to protect them if they fall ______the horse while jumping ______ the jumps placed ______  the ring. ______their neck they wear a cravat tucked ______ the front of their crisp white  shirts. ______ this shirt, they wear a close fitting plain dark-coloured, or tweed, jacket, and of course, they wear jodhpurs, those distinctive white or cream trousers, tight ______ the waist and legs but stretchy to enable them to move freely while getting ______ and ______ the horse and riding. They also wear knee-high shiny black boots. They really do look splendid as they strut______ the spectators ______ their gorgeous gleaming horses! 

F. Complete the given passage with the correct prepositions. 

____Wednesday, the flight _____Biratnagar was delayed ____five hours because of bad  weather. ______ 6.30, after a wait of one and half hours, even though the rain had stopped,  the runway was still flooded and the crew decided to wait ______ it was cleared. ______ this time several incoming flights had been turned away. ______6:30 ______ 7:00, the  airport staff worked frantically to clear ______ the water. The passengers had been  informed that there might be a delay but they were not happy ______ having ______  wait ______ so long ______ the plane. One of the passengers said, “I, m quite infuriated!  My brother has been waiting ______ Biratnagar ______ half past six. He cannot be expected  to stay the whole night, so I’ m going to have to take a taxi when I finally arrive". 

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