Why Do We Laugh Inappropriately? [Humour] Summary & Exercise [NEB - XII - English] |
Main Summary of the Text
We often find ourselves laughing at the strangest of moments. As psychologists are discovering, those helpless giggles might be one of our most important and profound behaviours, says David Robson.
Laughter increases the pain threshold and may send endorphins shooting through our veins.
Complete Exercise of Humour
Ways With Words
B. Match the following emotions with their definitions.
a. fear = vi. an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm
b. anger = ii. affected with grief or unhappiness
c. surprise = ix. an unexpected event, fact, etc.
d. disgust = i. a feeling of strong disapproval aroused by something unpleasant
e. sadness = v. a strong feeling of displeasure
f. happiness = iii. a pleasurable or satisfying experience
g. relief = viii. removal or lightening of something oppressive, painful or distressing
h. triumph = iv. a great victory or achievement
i. contentment = vii. the quality or state of being satisfied
A. Complete the following sentences with words/phrases from the text.
a. According to Sophie Scott, laughter is one of the important and misunderstood behaviours.
b. After her study in Namibia, Scott came to the realization that laughter is one of our richest vocal tips.
c. Studies have shown that there are six universal emotions across cultures based on facial expression.
d. Scott found out that most of the laughs have nothing to do with humour.
e. The couples who laugh at each other are likely to stay together for longer.
f. The primary way of communication of grown-up people is laughter.
g. Comedians usually find it easier to work in larger places due to the contagious nature of laughter.
B. Answer the following questions.
a. Why do people giggle at someone’s pain or suffering?
Ans: People giggle at someone’s pain or suffering because laughter is one of the misunderstood behaviours.
b. What did Scott’s study in Namibia come up with?
Ans: Scott’s study in Namibia has found that laughter is one of the most expressive voice qualities.
c. How is laughter a social bonding?
Ans: When we laugh with people, we show them that we like them, we agree with them, or that we are in the same group as them. This is how laughter is social bonding.
d. According to the author, what role does laughter play in a husband-wife relationship?
Ans: According to the author, their relationship is more likely to last a long time if they can laugh together after a stressful experience.
e. How does laughter work as a painkiller?
Ans: Laughter works as a painkiller by encouraging the release of endorphins-chemicals that should improve social bonding.
f. What did the study find about the relation between laughter and the brain?
Ans: The study finds the brain operates as a mirror region and is alloyed by laughter, which has a close connection to each type of laughter.
g. What are two emotions that the author associates with infants and adults?
Ans: The author associates crying and laughing with infants and adults.
h. How does a stand-up comedian take the audience’s laughter?
Ans: A stand-up comedian takes the audience’s laughter as a conversation.
i. Show the relation between laughter and crowd.
Ans: The crowd and laughter are directly related to the activities or dialogue taking place, as the laughter of the crowd represents a wave of amusement in them and they are enthusiastic and supportive of what is going on.
j. What does the author mean when he says “there always a meaning to it”?
Ans: When the author says, “There is always a meaning to it,” she is implying that laughter has a variety of meanings depending on the context in which it is used.
Critical Thinking
a. Do you agree that ‘the couples, who laugh together, stay together?’ Is it important for married couples to have the same sense of humour? Why?
Ans: No wonder laughter brings people closer including those in love. As stated by experts being with a partner who is funny and loves jokes may not be enough. What a person requires to find is a partner who shares the same sense of humour. Having a funny bone doesn’t mean the couple are the complete match. Being able to laugh at the same things helps to create a strong foundation for the relationship.
The couples who laugh with each other find it much easier to disintegrate tension after a stressful event and overall, they are likely to stay together for longer. Other recent studies have shown that people who laugh together at funny videos are also more likely to open up about personal information. If a person meets a partner whom he or she can laugh with, it might mean their future relationship is going to be fun and filled with good cheer.
b. Some people believe that sometimes crying is good for health. Do you believe it? Give your reasons.
Ans: Crying may be beneficial to one’s health, according to some people. I also believe that statement because I have some scientific reasons to believe. As a natural technique to alleviate mental stress, it removes stress hormones and other pollutants from our bodies. People who cry feel less anxious or tense. When people weep, they return to their regular selves, free of the competing desires they had been holding in. A person’s inner wounds may be released as a result of this practice.
A. Write a paragraph narrating an event from your life when you were involved in contagious laughter.
Laughter is called contagious when one person laughs, and the laughter spreads to others. We visited Fun Park with our college friends last year. It was early in the morning. In our luggage, we had a few packets of dry food. Roshan was going really slowly and was at the end of the queue, so one of my pals-Shyam made a joke about him being a tortoise. Everyone began laughing as a result of Ram’s amusement, which in turn made everyone else laugh as well. All of us were stricken with laughter by that incident. At the conclusion, Roshan begins to chuckle as well. It was an occasion in my life that brought a grin to my face every time I remembered it, and it’s one that I’ll never forget.
b. Write a description of your favourite comedian explaining his/her personality, acting, performance and uniqueness.
Charlie Chaplin
Charles Chaplin was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer. He was popular in the era of silent film. He is best remembered for his silent film character the Little Tramp. His career spanned more than 75 years. Chaplin's movies cover social and political themes. Outfitted in a small coat, large pants, floppy shoes, and a battered derby, Tramp was condemned by polite society and unlucky in love but ever a survivor. Audiences loved his annoying behaviour, his unexpected courage, and his ability to feel better after something unpleasant.
B. Put the frequency adverbs in the appropriate place and rewrite the following sentences.
a. I forget to do my homework. (sometimes)
Ans: I sometimes forget to do my homework.
b. My father has touched an alcoholic drink in his life. (never)
Ans: My father has never touched an alcoholic drink in his life.
c. My father goes for a walk on Saturdays. (often)
Ans: My father often goes for a walk on Saturdays.
d. We go to the movie theatre. (occasionally)
Ans: We occasionally go to the movie theatre.
e. My brother is in America. He telephones us. (from time to time)
Ans: My brother telephones us from America from time to time.
f. My mother gets up at five o’clock. (always)
Ans: My mother always gets up at five o’clock.
g. He does not like alcoholic drinks but takes some wine. (now and then)
Ans: He does not like alcoholic drinks but takes some wine now and then.
h. I drink my tea with milk. (generally)
Ans: I generally drink my tea with milk.
i. Have you been to Agra? (ever)
Ans: Have you ever been to Agra?
j. The restaurant's hours vary as it is booked for special events. (frequently)
Ans: The restaurant hours vary as it is frequently booked for special events.